Jack Lichterman
Entry Number Three
This painting of a boat represents my current state because boats are solid, just like me! Get it! science jokes!
But really, this painting is remarkably akin to my state of being in the sense of state as one's general feelings.
In this painting there is a person sitting on the edge of a canoe in a river. The water is murky and unclear, and there is a fog in the horizon. The figure looking out at the fog or perhaps downward at the water, not steering or propelling the boat.
Life can be like this painting: unpromising, bleak. You don't steer Life; rather, it slowly lulls you along while you watch it unfold. Sometimes you will witness good events while you are watching, like the flowers along the river, but mostly life is uncertain and murky.
Life is like this for me. I wait and wait but nothing seems to change in this quarantine time. I try to find things to do and projects to fill my time with, but there is only so much to do. There are plenty of good times, but still this isolated life goes on.
Fog by Jack Lichterman