Jack Lichterman
Entry Number Seven
"Turnadot"​ by Jack Lichterman
This year has been a blast, but it's time to move on to bigger and better things. I have been accepted to UCLA's college of letters and science! There, I intend to declare a major in physics and a minor in mathematics. I hope to earn an internship and entry level research position in the fall or winter quarter. I will be taking Santa Monica College courses in the summer, Python and Astrology, in order to develop more skills for a future career in physics as well as keep myself occupied.
Hopefully, my PLTW experiences will inform my future opportunities. I think that the research component of my project, specifically researching thermodynamics. That component of the project, doing theoretical projections and calculations, should be similar to some future projects that I hope to undertake. I am very proud of the 3D model that myself and other members created. Although I am somewhat familiar with 3D programming, it was very much learning experience.
I hope that all the work that I have done this year will be helpful in my STEM future, from practicing formal documentation to carrying out actual processes.
See ya around Project Lead The Way!