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Entry Number Five


"intent"​ by Jack Lichterman


     Intent is very crucial when it comes to a result. When done without a desire to produce a good product, a good product is rarely created. This is the difference between a product created for profit and a product created to benefit others. 

     Everyone has had to deal with low quality products and products such as selfie sticks, phone chargers, and headphones, breaking quickly after buying them. These are products developed for profit. The manufacturers do not care about the long term satisfaction of the consumer. Solving the problem that the consumer is buying the product for is unimportant to them. What these products are good at is is making money. Investors, owners, even consumers may earn through contributing to the capitalist machine. However, the purpose of the product is never fulfilled and the problem is never solved.

     A product created to benefit others is designed with intention. The manufacturers want to solve the problem and ensure that it can actually fulfill that need. These are ecofriendly, long lasting, warranty guaranteed products such as rechargeable batteries, detachable toothbrush heads, hydro flask water bottles. They don't need to support the consumer in some grand way, they simply fulfill their needs and desires. This type of product is often very successful once word gets out about its usefulness and quality. However, they are costly to produce and take a long time to develop as the manufacturers examine every aspect of the solution. 

    Overall, a product designed to benefit others is more difficult and expensive to manufacture and is not always more successful than a product designed to create product. However, there are many instances where this kind of product does become both largely successful as well maintain its integrity.

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