Jack Lichterman
Entry Number One
"A global pandemic and a most unusual student" by Jack Lichterman
It began suddenly, "schools will be closed until further notice." Just like that, I was, everyone was, forced home. After years of day after day conditioning - waiting on the bell - it was strange. No walking between classes, no talking with friends, hardly no school work. Just like that, we were essentially handed two extra months of summer vacation. Except I didn't want vacation in the first place.
Before real vacation even started I already exhausted my patience with the few hobbies I had (video games, video games, flute playing). This led me to find other avenues of spending my time. The first was a video-making competition called The Junior Breakthrough Challenge. Participants create a three minute video explaining a complex science topic for a chance to win a large scholarship. I Spent eight days on it. After having unhappily played video games for so long, doing something real felt amazing. It was the first time I had really been productive and pushed myself in months. After that I picked up whatever I could - over studying smc classes, starting college applications, studying for the SAT. I even delved into my interest for Physics, learning on Khan Academy.
Now we are back, however detached, with online learning. At least this time the teachers have a plan. We are being taught real material! Thank goodness. I bemoan the few social interactions I have to take resulting in school; but, for the most part I enjoy the "new school". All but a few of my courses really require in person classes. I am thankful I do not have to be in person for the other. But Band, Orchestra, and Engineering are having, at this point, significant difficulties in making their courses function. Music classes are continuing but at a snail's pace and functionality as before. Engineering is even worse off. The fourth year of engineering is supposed to be the culmination of a four year program. We are meant to compete in a JPL competition and embark on a semester long project. Insofar, both are on uncertain feet.
I was so very excited to reach my capstone year. To physically design and create and solve problems, It would have been so fun! I know that this year's program will be but a shadow of what it would have been; nevertheless, I can't wait to see how it turns out. Maybe we will get to do some of it! Who knows!
As this year goes on, into my senior year, my time at SAMO will end. I am wary to finish high school despite the fact that I am ready to move on academically. This and this last year is marked by my participation in volunteer programs, tutoring organizations, and many extracurricular activities. I am worried that I may have started to fill up my schedule too late in my career as a college applicant. Still, I am energized to learn more and be hopefully accepted to college institutions where I can further my learning as an aspiring physicist and engineer.